PLUS+1 User Forum

PLUS+1 Hardware => Controllers => Topic started by: AutoPile on June 16, 2023, 11:10:28 AM

Title: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 16, 2023, 11:10:28 AM
I am new to Plus+1 software and hardware. I use Danfoss products in the equipment I build, and currently use other PLCs and remote controls to operate them. I am based in the UK and would like to know which microcontroller to start with and where to purchase from. The Danfoss website does not point me to the correct suppliers. Is there a suitable development package?
My system:
Engine Controller.
Danfoss PVG with PVEO and PVEM, But hope to use the PVEO-CI & PVEO-CI
Danfoss Remote control.
Danfoss S45 open circuit axial piston pump with ETL & EDC.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards Oliver
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: acmall on June 19, 2023, 09:13:50 AM
Which controller will be dependent on your application. If you don't have much experience with Danfoss controllers the best bet is to find a supplier who can help.

Which part of the UK are you in? Have you seen this map: - (

If you are using a search engine try searching for Danfoss Power Solutions

The development package is Plus+1 Guide. You can download a trial version here: - (
Scroll down the page and there is a link - Get the latest downloads with Update Center
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 19, 2023, 11:11:41 AM
Thank you very much for your kind reply.
A Danfoss distributor contacted me on Friday, and was extremely helpful. They pointed me in the correct direction.
I am looking to replace my DSE 840 with a Danfoss MC024-130/132 and DM700 Mobile Machine Display.
How does the MC024-130/132 communicate to the DM700, as I see no USB or Ethernet connection on the MC024?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: Link on June 19, 2023, 02:47:34 PM
Danfoss PLUS +1 components communicate with CANbus (J1939), i see you got both an HMI and PLC. are you sure you need both for your application? if slower loop time is not an issue then only an HMI might suffice for what you need. Possibly you can add some IO with an RemoteIO if necessary.

Also make sure to get a Danfoss CG 150 gateway if it's your first time programming with PLUS+1 as you will need this to upload new software to the controller.
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 19, 2023, 04:01:09 PM
Excellent, thank you. I did not know you could use the HMI alone. I will look into the Remote IO.
Are these the items you are recommending?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: acmall on June 19, 2023, 04:17:21 PM
Also note that most of the displays can be connected to via USB for programing. Upload times to the display are a lot quicker when connected via USB especially if you have a program that uses a lot of images or other files. The display can also act as the gateway to connect to any other Danfoss controller that is connected to any of the displays CAN ports.
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: Link on June 19, 2023, 04:29:32 PM
good to know indeed, thanks Acmall. i normally use the danfoss gateway adapter myself to do initial install, but i normally setup the ethernet port and use that later on to save time, but using the USB port would save a lot of money.
And yes AutoPile, those are the IOModules i was talking about.

my experience with using the HMI as a PLC aswell is that the normal loop time is roughly around 10-12 ms, but when i start navigating trough the screens it fluctuates up to like 40 ms, so if that's not a problem for your control loops it might be another cost saver! :)
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 19, 2023, 04:44:14 PM
Thank you, acmall and JordyHV.
The loop scan time may be a problem, but I will test this out in the R&D stage. Thank you for your suggestion.
So if I were to use a Danfoss remote control receiver, DM700 HMI, MC024-130 and PVEA-CI and PVEO-CI Series 6 Electrohydraulic Actuators. All of these would be nodes on the same CAN bus?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: Link on June 19, 2023, 04:57:15 PM
If you are going to use a seperate PLC for logic control you're not going to find this problem, the microcontrollers in my experience run very stable between 8 and 10 ms. and yes, they would be seperate nodes on the same CAN bus. I think that's the advantage of using PLUS+1 that there are standard blocks for most if not all danfoss components that you drag, drop and connect. Just be beware that those blocks are pretty heavy and fill up the micro controllers pretty fast, for example a project i worked on has a SC micro controller with like 14 valve sections and a few inverters and the micro controller was getting quite full.
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 19, 2023, 06:22:46 PM
The connectivity of all Danfoss devices in the Plus+1 ecosystem is exactly what has attracted me to use it. My system is currently a group of devices from multiple manufacturers and it is a headache to get them to communicate.
I am looking for MC0xx devices with two CAN ports if the Plus+1 devices are say for example on CAN0+ & CAN0- could the engine then use CAN1+ & CAN1-?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: Link on June 20, 2023, 08:21:32 AM
you could definitely use the ports the way you described below, you're also able to mix Danfoss and non Danfoss components on the same bus if you want(although not recommended with an engine).

As a sidenote, if you are planning on using CANopen, there are standard function blocks for it in Danfoss, but its very basic. the standard J1939 function blocks are more user friendly and advanced.
So my recommendation is to use J1939 if possible! :)
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 20, 2023, 05:38:31 PM
Thanks, JordyHV. I hope to purchase as close to what I think I will need and start developing. The only thing I am not sure is if I am using a Danfoss remote control, does the receiver command the PVG actuators directly. Or does the receiver communicate to the microcontroller. (Or both) As this will increase or decrease the I/O required on the MC024?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: Link on June 21, 2023, 08:39:04 AM
I don't think it's possible to directly control the PVG actuators with a remote control, as far as i know you still need to program the logic in the microcontroller. But increase/decrease IO? aren't the PVG valves controlled with CANbus?
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: deaks57 on June 22, 2023, 12:50:07 AM
Analogue PVG can be driven directly by RCT. I'm not sure about the PVEDs, but I think it should be possible as they have CANopen capability, talk to your Danfoss rep.
Title: Re: Where to Start
Post by: AutoPile on June 23, 2023, 08:08:26 AM
Thank you I will talk to the remote supplier. As I have other hardware to connect to the MC0xx microcontroller. And how the PVG actuators are connected affects my system.
Thank you all, for all the great advice. I have learnt more on this forum than any rep or website.