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PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Issue with reading analogue value
« Last post by samuelhj on March 30, 2025, 07:02:52 PM »
I was just overthinking this, as usual. The solution was obviously to use scale, since I was trying to feed a floating point number with the blackmagic mathmetics. Sometimes it helps to just write about an issue and come back to it the day after. Hah.
So the problem was (which I didn't realise until I set up checkpoints to check what was going on) that I have a floating point number, which Guide (for some reason, doesn't support) which was throwing everything off.

But scale with highest value and lowest value along with my switch works fine. I feel like a complete dumbass after this.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Issue with reading analogue value
« Last post by samuelhj on March 29, 2025, 08:56:35 PM »
Sorry this is a bit stupid, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I have a PT100 sensor I'm reading the temperature value from. The signal is 0-5V and the scale is -40°C to 100°C
Which gives me the formula:
(Tmax - Tmin) * (Uin/Umax) + Tmin
Or in this case (100-(-40) * (1925/5000) + (-40)
Which should translate to about 13°C.

When I try to replicate this in Guide I just get 0 out... I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding something with Guide but I've been stuck on this for quite some time now and really could use a second pair of eyes. (Note: I only want positive values, since hydraulic fluid shouldn't be at minus temperatures and it's just easier to send over CAN like this, hence the switch at the end)

Dropbox link to image because for some reason I can't attach it to this post:
General controls / Re: Issue with Scale
« Last post by samuelhj on March 26, 2025, 12:27:23 AM »
Thank you all for your input, looks like I've fallen into the trap of assuming it was similar to some other PLC software. I guess I missed the part in the documentation where this is mentioned. Thanks.
General controls / Re: Creating names for your IO
« Last post by Lukey on March 25, 2025, 11:59:36 PM »
What you need to do is wire draw the C1p33_DigOut onto another/bus leg and call it whatever you want, I would recommend putting a RETYPE function in-between the C1p33_DigOut and whatever you new name is in case you intend to change the new name again this will make it easier.

You can then reference your new name anywhere in the program, and that will be connected to the C1p33_DigOut.
Controllers / Re: Accurate Frequency, but Inaccurate pulse Count
« Last post by Lukey on March 25, 2025, 11:57:09 PM »
What pin are you using for the input?

Can you please share a snippet of your code?
Controllers / Accurate Frequency, but Inaccurate pulse Count
« Last post by jrward1977 on March 25, 2025, 10:25:34 PM »
I have an MC050-010 with a simple speed sensor and I'm trying to get speed and distance.  The speed (frequency) is accurate but when I get over 25hz the pulse count is not keeping up.  What am I doing wrong?
General controls / Creating names for your IO
« Last post by scott.sanville on March 25, 2025, 02:26:26 PM »
Hey everyone!

Is there a good way to save unique names to the inputs and outputs? I tried changing the names of some of the inputs inside the inputs page using the query function, but those changes don't carry over to the bus. I find programming to be so much easier when all of your IO have names that are a bit more descriptive than C1p33_DigOut. Just looking for a place I can get them all changed at the same time.


Function Library / Finding a good function block for an old valve
« Last post by scott.sanville on March 25, 2025, 02:18:18 PM »
Hi all,

I am attempting to write a simple program that replaces the old PAM cards in one of our test stands with a Plus 1 controller. A couple of the throttle valves (Vickers CVU16 EFP1 B29 1931 with an analog control card EEA-PAM-571-A-32) use LVDT feedback on the PAM card.

Is there a good valve control block that could be dropped in for this application? All of the blocks appear to be very valve specific and I am unsure if it matters which one I choose.

General controls / Re: Issue with Scale
« Last post by G30RG3 on March 24, 2025, 08:40:01 AM »
It is easier to use a limit - median value, either on the input (preferred) or the output side.
General controls / Re: Issue with Scale
« Last post by Tor on March 24, 2025, 07:56:39 AM »

If you use the regular Scale component it's important to understand that the values you enter are not end points, the line keeps going in both directions (see image ScaleLine.png).
In the user manual for the Scale component you can read that the values (A2 - A5) do not limit the resulting output value (see image ScaleComponent.png). The risk of an overflow is imminent if you don't know what kind of signal you have.

And as BRIan pointed out, a capped component will solve this. On the capped component the output value is clamped to Max or Min value in case of an overflow (see image ScaleCappedComponent.png)

All the images and examples can be found in the component user manual.
To find the Online User Manual for the component, mark the component in the component tree and press F1 on the keyboard, or Query the component in the drawing area and click the question mark in the top right corner.

Have a nice day.
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