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Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by G30RG3 on November 05, 2024, 06:00:05 PM »
Are you sure you're on the right baud rate? You won't be able to communicate if your screen has switched to 125k, 250k, or 1M with a gateway set to 500k.
Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by george on November 05, 2024, 12:44:22 PM »
As I have two units, and here is the log from the bricked unit. No heartbeat of CAN messages. Display screen comes back normal with the previously programmed screen.

PLUS+1 Service Tool 2024.2.5
Running on supported OS Windows 11_64
Copyright © 2004-2024 Danfoss All Rights Reserved


    Verifying installation...


    Loading user interface...

Loading user interface...
Changing to Online mode
Gateway: RP1210C: PEAK-System PCAN Adapter (PEAKRP32)
Channel: DeviceID 1: PEAK-System CAN Adapter (USB
Protocol initialization...
Baudrate: 500 kbit/s
Performing system scan...
System Scan result:
ERROR: No ECU information available.
A connected system is required.
Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by george on November 05, 2024, 12:01:02 PM »
I tried to access the command line mode and got the following log. Still the download is failed.

PLUS+1 Service Tool 2024.2.5
Running on supported OS Windows 11_64
Copyright © 2004-2024 Danfoss All Rights Reserved


    Verifying installation...


    Loading user interface...

Loading user interface...
Changing to Online mode
Gateway: RP1210C: PEAK-System PCAN Adapter (PEAKRP32)
Channel: DeviceID 1: PEAK-System CAN Adapter (USB
Protocol initialization...
Baudrate: 500 kbit/s
Performing system scan...
System Scan result:
   ECU: 0,23
Result: ECU in boot loader mode. No valid application running.
Opening download package: C:\Git\Danfoss\Test_100\Test_100.lhx
Download File #1
Download: true
ECU: 0,23 - dm430e_display
FileType: Application
FileName: Test_100.lhx

ERROR: Unable to start File Download.
Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by george on November 05, 2024, 11:18:46 AM »
Any thoughts?
This is a stopping issue and I am unable to get it resolved.
Is there any technical team I can talk to or an email where I can email the issue further?
Displays / Re: DM430E flashing issue
« Last post by george on November 05, 2024, 11:18:35 AM »
Any thoughts?
This is a stopping issue and I am unable to get it resolved.
Is there any technical team I can talk to or an email where I can email the issue further?
Displays / DM430E flashing issue
« Last post by george on November 04, 2024, 04:00:42 PM »

With the Plus+1 trial license I could flash and reflash a test application into the DM430E-0-0-0-0 display.
When the trial license expired, I switched to an express license and since then I am facing issues in reflashing the display.
I am not sure I am missing any additional project settings in my project configuration.
Could you please help?

The display is connected through the host PC using PCAN hardware with RP1210C driver.

Refer "Screenshot_1.png" for the gateway configuration.
Refer "Screenshot_2.png" for the system scan that recognised the display device.
Refer "Screenshot_3.png" for download file to ecu.

Thank you very much in advance.
Displays / DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by george on November 04, 2024, 03:07:51 PM »

We bought two DM430E 0-0-0-0 displays and one of them is bricked on flashing the test application.
The application flashed successfully and the GUI has changed as expected.
However the display is neither sending CAN messages nor recognised in "Recover ECU" for reflashing.
Looks like it is bricked.

We are using PCAN View, with RP1210C interface.
Could you please help to resolve this?

Service tool version is: 2024.2.5.6053
Controllers / Sc024-120 output mode with floating
« Last post by macbahi on October 30, 2024, 07:03:02 PM »

Please I need more information about output mode 0, 1 2 and 7.

Output mode 0 is push/pull  so if DigOut is set to 0 the output will be GND
                                              if DigOut is set to 1 the output will be Vcc

Output mode 1 is push/pull  so if DigOut is set to 0 the output will be Floating signal.     Are you agree????
                                              if DigOut is set to 1 the output will be Vcc

Output mode 2 is push/pull  so if DigOut is set to 0 the output will be Floating signal or GND?   I am not sûre what is?
                                              if DigOut is set to 1 the output will be GND.

Mode 3 is not is not clear for me when The output is set logic 0.   The outpout is foating or GND.

Concerning output mode 7 I never use it. Please Could you give more information with schematic will be more appreciated.

I need when an output  when is OFF, The output is floating and when the Output is ON the Output will be GND.

Thank you very much.

With best regards
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Project .p1x not found in folder
« Last post by Lukey on October 30, 2024, 01:15:08 PM »
Ah yes my bad, that works, thank you.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Project .p1x not found in folder
« Last post by Tor on October 29, 2024, 07:57:55 AM »
Hi Lukey,

You have to make sure the path is correct, one slash and a colon is missing when it shows up in GUIDE.
After some changes in Chromium, used by several web browsers, to make it more secure, it doesn't take the path provided by GUIDE.

This is how I do it to make sure all is good.

- Compile.
- Open the project folder (File -> Open Project Location)
- Locate the html file.
- Open in a browser.
- Copy the Error link into note pad or similar program.
- It looks like this:   

- Edit the link by adding a slash and a colon to it.

Note the added slash and colon "plus+1:///C:/Project...."

- Copy the edited link and Paste it to Edge and press enter.

This works for me.

A fix is on the way.
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