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Code sharing / Re: Reviewers and remote troubleshooting
« Last post by Lukey on December 23, 2024, 02:43:03 AM »
Shoot me a message, I'm personally always keen to see others GUIDE code architecture.

Regarding troubleshooting techs, I/we can help in the Australian time zone.
Code sharing / Reviewers and remote troubleshooting
« Last post by Mike AA on December 20, 2024, 04:00:21 PM »
Hi All,

My company is looking to try something out a little different. I am looking to have some people available that might be willing to look through my code and both give me sugestions to make things better and suggestions on what they would have done for a particular situation. I have no less than 6 programs, upto 25+ that I would like to share with a few individuals. What I am looking for is if I have a function, not nessisarily doing math but handling how things switch around or how memory or NV memory functions are running, possibly making things simpler, more straitforward, easier to troubleshoot, look for bugs like signed where unsigned should be or unsigned where signed should be etc.

I am also, looking to have some persons that might be available to act as, remote trouble shooters. Meaning, we work all around North America, soon to be Australia and potentially elsewhere. We operate our own machines that we make but there may be some scenarios where someone on the opposite side of the world needs help and its 3 am back home. I currently don't do much trouble shooting for coding but it is there everyonce in a while and somethings just make you want to pull your hair out because it doesn't make sense.

If anyone is interested please PM me or leave a comment. I try to get back to the forums a few times a week but dont always make it back to make a reply in time. Oh, we can pay you too for services rendered. I'm not asking to spend your qulaity free time without getting compensated.

I/O Modules / Re: IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110
« Last post by G30RG3 on December 17, 2024, 01:34:25 PM »
I'm not the programmer, I just need to offer a replacement IOX. I expect the software to be ancient because the other hardware components(screen and ยต-CTRL) are both obsoleted a few years ago. 
The remaining value of the machine is low, so reprogramming and replacing all hardware is too expensive.
Function Library / Problem with Widget library
« Last post by samuelhj on December 15, 2024, 06:04:17 PM »

Been a while since I had to program a display, but I'm running into two seperate issues.
Display type: DM430E 0-1-X-X series.
Guide version 2024.4.3

If I add a gauge, adjust parameters, and try to compile I get compiler error.
See attached screenshots.

Another strange issue I noticed, linear gauges do not even fit the display, but since I've never used them, I'm not sure if this is expected behaviour?
I/O Modules / Re: IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110
« Last post by Matt_Eng on December 04, 2024, 07:29:35 PM »
I dont expect that communication protocol has changed, so it should work.
However I've only tried swapping between an -010 and -110 with version of the 2.15 of the compliance block, which had some bug fixes and explicit support for the -010 and -110.

I also see a version 2.17 in the update center, so it may be beneficial to update and recompile or at least review the revision history.

I/O Modules / IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110
« Last post by G30RG3 on November 29, 2024, 11:41:21 AM »
Is a recompile with new hardware needed when replacing an (I)/(O)X*-0?? with an (I)/(O)X*-1??
PLUS+1 GUIDE CANKing / Re: link for PLUs+1 Can King software
« Last post by Lukey on November 20, 2024, 01:05:34 AM »
You need to download CAN King from the PLUS+1 Update Center, check the link below, download the update center, then you can access CAN King.
PLUS+1 GUIDE CANKing / link for PLUs+1 Can King software
« Last post by spitla2 on November 19, 2024, 04:21:18 PM »
Hello All:

Could you please share a link for downloading plus+1 can king software.

Thanks !!
Controllers / Re: OutpuMode modification needed
« Last post by Lukey on November 15, 2024, 01:25:02 AM »
It is possible to change the output mode during operation.

I have successfully change between output mode 1 & 2.
This allowed me to drive a PNP and NPN (Sink and Source) wired relays from the 1 output.
That gave me 2 outputs from the 1 output, excellent for controlling a 2 way DCV for example.
Controllers / Re: OutpuMode modification needed
« Last post by macbahi on November 14, 2024, 08:53:32 PM »
Hello again,

It's done compilation without using switch I just put both DigOut and DutyOut not connected.

but I am not sure if this way is safe.

I will give the news soon.

With best regards
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