Well, no. I quoted the first paragraph of your post not the last. Data logger is a dedicated device, while memory is a module, which is one of the components of a logger in this case. That's why you got me wondering, when you wrote: "I think this is a logger, not a memory,isn't it?".
The difference I see between the Memorator R Semi Pro logger function and the products you and I mentioned is, that the latter ones are dedicated for logging data with many interfaces and have interchangeable SD memory cards, while Memorator has it soldered onto the PCB and logs data when not used as an CAN interface (at a high price as well). All of them come with some sort of SW configuring tool.
The rest, is just deciding on which device covers all needed requirements (interfaces, memory type, working environment) at a reasonable price. New CAN loggers come even with integrated RTC for timestamps, I/Os, GPS modules, accelerometers and other sensor.
P.S. Don't get me wrong "Marbek-elektonik" (don't now you name or nick), you got me confused with the terminology, the product you mentioned is certainly worth considering.
Best regards,