Hi there, I have a problem of using the J1939 function Names_Rx, which is supposed to receive address claim messages send from other devices on the J1939 CAN bus. There are two MC024 controllers on a CAN bus. For both of them, I first used the AddrClaim_Tx_Rx module to do a address claim to get a unique address for each. For example, controller A has address 10 and controller B has address 11. Now, I want controller A to know the NAMES of controller B, so on the controller A, I used the Req_Names_Tx block to send a request. In order to receive the Names information returned from controller B, I set a Names_Rx block in the controller A. I can see the returned message from controller B with NAMES information using CANking. However, in the block of NAMES_Rx, I can not see anything in the output MSG.
Is there anybody have experience of using this NAMES_Rx block? Please give some hint. THANKS!