Hello there,
This may be an easy thing to do, however I do not know how.
Here is the issue:
I started a firmware for a DP600 a year ago so when I downloaded the firmware by first time the DP600 was labeled with a tag for instance "Machine_X_firmware"(Name of my PIP file)
So I have done many revisions and when I go to the machine, plug the CG150 and start the Service Tool the CAN BUS is scanned and the DP600 is found as a Machine_X_Firmare so I download the latest revisión once it is done the Bus is scanned and the DP600 is found as a Machine_X_Firmware.
ok what I would like to do is everytime that I download a revisión of the same firmware the DP600 must be re labeled as per lastest revisión for instance Machine_X_firmaware_REV_X.
If I save the PIP file with the new name I want It is posible however when I download the firmware to the DP600 it is labeled according with the original name of the PIP file.
Does any body knows how to avoid that?
in other words how can I make a copy of a PIP file and get the device labeled and seen in the CAB BUS as per the new PIP file name?
I really appreciate your feedback