Author Topic: calculation of total fuel consumption  (Read 30792 times)


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calculation of total fuel consumption
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:27:49 PM »

has anyone an idea to calculate the total fuel consumption of a diesel engine in liters (per hour/day/week/year)?
I don´t need the value "EngineFuelRate" >SPN 183!

I think, the value "PTOFuelUsed" >SPN 1028 should be right but the ECU of the Deutz TCD engine don´t calculate it.

Which engine parameters are nesessary for calculation?
- actual engine speed
- actual engine torque
- actual engine fueling /stroke
- actual boost pressure

Or is it easier to recalculate the "Total Used Fuel in Liters" from value "EngineFuelRate" about the time?

Any ideas ???

Hardware: Deutz TCD 2013 / 2013 engine with ECU EMR3.
CANBUS Network: J1939 protocol

Many thanks to all!

Offline Neil

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Re: calculation of total fuel consumption
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 07:51:28 PM »
Hi Frank,

I'm not sure if you resolved this? isn't the info you require found in J1939 function block library LFC_Rx PGN 65257?

regards Neil

Offline Richard

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Re: calculation of total fuel consumption
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 09:50:38 AM »
Hi Frank,

I recently wrote some logic that includes about 20 counters.  Each counter counts the seconds that the engine is using between say 20 - 22.5 l/hr and 22.2 - 25 l/hr and so on.  I made 2.5 l/hr steps around our working range and larger ones at the lower and upper extremes.  We don't display this on the screen or printer but extract it with the service tool then use excel to calulate average litres/hr and total litres etc.  You could always tailor this to include finer steps than I used.  I also had certain conditions that controlled the counters like only when harvesting or only when driving on the road.

It's logic I wrote quickly in the field but it gave me the answers I wanted.  It was also for a Deutz TCD2015 engine.  You're welcome to the logic if you'd like.



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Re: calculation of total fuel consumption
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2011, 10:58:13 AM »
Hi Frank,

I'm not sure if you resolved this? isn't the info you require found in J1939 function block library LFC_Rx PGN 65257?

regards Neil

Hi Neil, yes I know the J1939 function block library, but my problem is, that the Deutz EDC / EMR3
this information not supported. The message contains only information about the instantaneous fuel rate
in L / hour.

Thanks  Frank


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Re: calculation of total fuel consumption
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 04:22:15 AM »
Hi Franck,
I have a CUMMINS QSB engine and LFC_Rx PGN 65257 was not running. I believed it was not supported but I read this information is delivered on request. So, I used Req_LFC_Tx PGN65257 in J1939 function block library when I'm going in the "counters menu" with display DP600 and now I can get the EngTotFuelUsed.

Best regards.

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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    • Marbek Elektronik
Re: calculation of total fuel consumption
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2012, 11:11:01 AM »
I send my module for J1939 communication to a display.
Sorry, some words are in German.

Please go to the subpage "Anpassen11".
You will see, who to add every 500ms the liter/hour .

I hope, you can work with this.
Best regards,
Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung