Author Topic: Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?  (Read 19004 times)

Offline mg

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Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?
« on: October 06, 2017, 01:44:52 AM »
I like the shade of Maroon from the default color selector that you can use for a line, but I have some other simple graphics (that cannot be drawn within the editor...) that must be imported into the project, like circles and arc and I would like the colors to match.  I've tried a few different shades of red but can't get an exact match.  Is there a list somewhere of the HEX RGB values for those default colors?



Offline acmall

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Re: Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2017, 09:17:36 AM »
I don't know if there is a list but the HEX RGB values for maroon are 80 00 00 so 0x80000000 in the VBSE.

I fond this by taking a screen capture of the maroon color and pasting into an art package and using the color picker to identify the values. There are also a number of online color pickers that you can use to identify a color


Offline mg

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Re: Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2017, 07:54:14 PM »
Thanks, I never thought of doing that.  Good idea.

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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Re: Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2017, 11:31:53 PM »
But I have seen, that color in display is not the same as in computer-monitor:
I think blue ist more intensive than green and than red.
If you see "silver" on screen editor, you see a blue-silver on your display.
I have told this to Danfoss a few weeks ago and they want to take a look to this effect.
But OK, if you have the same color in computer screen, you will have the same color in display :-)
Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung

Offline acmall

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Re: Hex Color code for default colors in VBSE?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2017, 09:08:09 AM »
Yes I would expect there to be a difference in how the colour looks between the computer monitor and the screen. If you set two different monitors side by side and compare them there will also be a difference. Most users do not have their computer system colour calibrated and there can be a big difference in the colour display from one to another. I don't think Danfoss will have colour calibrated the screens either.

All the above said the hex values found using the above method will still be correct as it is only the display of the colours that differs not the underlying RGB value.
