Author Topic: .Status messages: is "16" on Bit4 or Bit 5?  (Read 12842 times)

Offline gregbosma

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.Status messages: is "16" on Bit4 or Bit 5?
« on: December 23, 2019, 02:15:12 PM »
Hi everyone!

While building a new machine, we noticed a solenoid valve isn't energizing. The solenoid is powered by c1p43 on a MC050-110. This pin is on OutputMode=1 (Digital Output, Sourcing Output).

Connecting ServiceTool to the controller, I see "16" in c1p43.Status so I know there's an error of some sort; either an Overload or OutputMode Error as pictured below. I'm not sure which...

So, my question is: is c1p43.Status="16" indicating Bit4 (Overload) or Bit5 (OutputMode Error)? It's the 5th bit in sequence, but maybe the 1st bit is labeled Bit0, maybe the 1st bit is labeled Bit1.
16, 8, 4, 2, 1

Also, is there any other documentation on what triggers each of these faults? I looked at the API for MC050-110 but it didn't tell me much.

Overall, I told the techs my best educated guess: this most likely an "Overload" error, which means the controller is trying to send too much current through one pin, so there's most likely a short to ground somewhere along this c1p43 circuit. Am I right in this assumption?

EDIT: The techs found a short-circuit in the connector that plugs into the solenoid. Essentially this jumpered c1p43 directly to ground. After re-building that connector, everything works perfectly-- the solenoid energizes and there are no .Status codes. I'm fairly certain my educated guess above was correct.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 04:26:16 PM by gregbosma »

Offline oiltronic

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Re: .Status messages: is "16" on Bit4 or Bit 5?
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2019, 06:36:46 PM »
MC050_110_nl API doc (70089370) states
0 = OK
Bit 4 (0x0010) = True : Overload
Bit 5 (0x0020) = True : OutputMode Error
The clue is in the hexadecimal value, which is 4 bits per digit. Since 0x0010 = 16, then yes indeed the bit numbering starts at bit 0, and yep you had an overload.