Author Topic: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control  (Read 33928 times)

Offline Mike AA

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CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« on: September 30, 2020, 10:52:25 PM »
I have found 2 other posts about this but they weren't really answered or if they figured it out they didn't reply with a solution.

I have a Cummins ISX15 engine with their CM2350 ECM. This engine came out of a truck and we are installing it in one of our trenchers. I eliminated all the components from the parameters that would have been in a truck not our trencher and have gotten down to one or two error codes. One error code wants a second accelerator pedal sensor, i dont want to use a typical pedal for throttle control as it needs to be a knob on the dash. I turned on multiplexing and Accelerator pedal within that and set the address ID for 0. now I get the second error code about an abnormal update rate of multi plexed accelerator pedal, Cummins fault code 3326.

I have the engine ECM connected to CAN1 on the MC090 to send my requested rpm to the ECM. I used TSC1_TX1 to send the info for EngReqSpeedLimit. This works flawless on the CAT C32 engine I setup last week. What am I missing? I tried to connect initially to Cummins' Data link port then tried connecting to the Service tool port and get the same results.

Anyone have any ideas?

Mike Aalderink

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2020, 11:40:29 PM »
check the priority,

CAT engines need to be set to 0.

I thought it will be the same for all engines since it is J1939 standard, however for a Hatz engine I found it out as 4, I tried with 0 and did not work  but with 4 it did work just fine...odd

Offline acmall

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2020, 10:08:47 AM »
We recently set up a remote throttle over CAN on a Freightliner truck with a Cummins engine, ECM CM2350A

Two different Cummins engineers came to work on it and we were also in contact with the Freightliner Dealer. The remote throttle was working but the same error message was showing up. After some back and forward with the office they came to the conclusion that error is erroneous and told us to ignore it.


Offline Mike AA

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2020, 02:20:30 PM »

I will check the priority. I had the Cat engine set with a 3 (default) priority, with no issues.


Do you happen to have a screen grab of the code you used for it? The problem with this error is it pops a red lamp on my ECM so I can't just ignore it.

I have everything for multiplexing turned back off so I need to find out exactly what items I need to enable and what IDs to use. The engine is runnable but I only have one potentiometer hooked to the accelerator signal so its warning me there is no signal for sensor 2. I want to use the canbus remote throttle so I can control from multiple danfoss controllers.


Offline acmall

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2020, 03:14:46 PM »
Hi Mike

The attached .scs file contains the setup for the TSC1 message I am using. The Freightliner dealer advised to use source address 33 as this is designated as the body controller.

These are the settings in the ECM for Multiplexing

SAE J1939 Multiplexing
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Accelerator Interlock Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Accelerator Pedal Or Lever Position,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Adaptive Cruise Control Usage Demand Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Level Sensor,Enable
"Source Address","163 - Catalyst Fluid Sensor"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank Temperature Sensor,Enable
"Source Address","163 - Catalyst Fluid Sensor"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Aftertreatment Regeneration Permit Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Aftertreatment Regeneration Start Switch,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Air Conditioning Pressure Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Auxiliary Shutdown Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Clutch Pedal Position Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Cruise Control On/Off Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Cruise Control Pause Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Cruise Control Set / Resume Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Diagnostic Test Mode Switch,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Engine Brake Switch Level,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Engine Protection Shutdown Manual Override,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Fan Control Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Fan Control Switch 2,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Fuel Level Sensor,Enable
"Source Address","23 - Instrument Cluster #1"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Fuel Level Sensor 2,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Idle Increment/ Idle Decrement Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Idle Validation Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Parking Brake,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - PTO On/Off Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - PTO Set / Resume Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Rear Axle Ratio Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Remote PTO Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Service Brake Switch,Enable
"Source Address","33 - Body Controller"
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Torque Derate Switch,Disable
SAE J1939 Multiplexing - Wait To Start Lamp,Disable


Offline Mike AA

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    • Dewind Dewatering
Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2020, 03:21:24 PM »
Thanks Alastair I will check those parameters and change my source address to match.


Offline Mike AA

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2020, 02:37:39 PM »
So I was away for two weeks and back at this situation and now I am wondering if I am trying to connect to the incorrect data ports on the cummins ECM. I am connected to the "data link" port and when I start can king I hardly see any data on the stream. I see the IDs and data in the attached picture. I am still having trouble deciphering can id to PGN but I found an online converter and 201326626 converts to 12800 which is not on the list I have for cummins.

Offline acmall

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2020, 10:54:25 PM »
I am no expert on CAN and J1939 but I not sure any of those are coming form the engine as they do not break down to J1939 formatting. I notice the service tool in the background, is it online and logging? If so then the messages you are seeing could be the service tool communicating with the Plus+1.

If you add the Simple J1939 identifier interpreter in CANKing it may he easier as it separates the information out into Priority, PGN, Transmission Address and Destination Address. The values are in Hex but I find it easier to convert the Hex values with Windows calculator set to programmer mode.

Don't know about the connections to the ECM as I was connected to a body builder module on the chassis that relays the CAN messages from all the nodes for the various systems.

The attached spreadsheet is an example of the messages I see from the Cummings ECM (Source address 0) on the Freightliner chassis.

Offline spittet

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2020, 04:35:48 PM »
So I was away for two weeks and back at this situation and now I am wondering if I am trying to connect to the incorrect data ports on the cummins ECM. I am connected to the "data link" port and when I start can king I hardly see any data on the stream. I see the IDs and data in the attached picture. I am still having trouble deciphering can id to PGN but I found an online converter and 201326626 converts to 12800 which is not on the list I have for cummins.

You can easily display J1939 PGN in CANking. Here's the procedure :
- In the "Select Formatters" window, double click on "Simple J1939 identifier interpreter".
- It will be added in the "Active Formatters in Order of Execution" box.
- to make things clearer, unchek "Standard Text Format" in the "Active Formatters in Order of Execution" box

The PGN will be displayed in a HEX format in the "Output Window".


Offline Mike AA

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2020, 05:13:59 PM »
acmall thanks for  the reminder about service tool, I disabled it then the top line converts to pgn00000 with source address of 21, exactly what I had transmitting, that I thought I had disabled in my program. I was using the 61444 block and apparently this may be one issue as to why I coudn't get the ECM to hear my remote throttle control as its not transmitting 61444.

This still gives me concern as to why I don't see anything else from the Cummins ECM Data link. Back to checking the Cummins wiring diagram.

Thanks Sam for the refresher, I had just activated this right before your response.

Offline Mike AA

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2020, 11:36:08 PM »
For future reference, this particular Cummins ISX15 doesn't appear to output any data on the "DATA LINK" ports 21/45. I did some rewiring to connect my controller 'CAN1 and computer service tool to the service tool port to see if I could pull from it, yup no problem, every PGN acmall listed is in there. I didn't get the info to show up on my displays yet but it's getting late and the weekend. Thanks everyone.

Monday I will modify code and reload and maybe even control the engine via canbus.


Offline Mike AA

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2025, 05:20:23 PM »
I am back on a battle for Cummins throttle control. I am interfacing to an X15 instead of the ISX15, same ECM just different series of the engines.

I have gone into the ECM and changed the Multiplexing settings to match what Alastair suggested. I have set the SA on the TSC1_tx to 3, to 33 to 9 to 0, and a bunch more. I copied the settings to match the scs file.

I can read all parameters off the engine just fine, rpm, temps etc. I just cannot get it to accept the multiplexing remote accelerator.

Anyone else have any recent success with interfacing with a Cummins for throttle?


Offline Camox

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2025, 01:12:35 PM »
Hi, there,
We have been using Cummins engines for many years.
In order to work, engine speed control via the TSC1 frame must be activated in the ECM settings.
Do you have access to modify the ECM parameters?
Have you checked these parameters?

Offline Mike AA

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    • Dewind Dewatering
Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2025, 08:02:40 PM »

I have activated and changed the multiplex settings to turn on throttle through canbus, then as suggested selected 33 for cody controller and setup my program to transmit as SA 33, all of this through the parameters and settings page within insite. I have a full license that allows me to change parameters, unless there is another hidden parameter we cant get with the now cummins service tech license.  is there anything else or anywhere else I need to change to accept TSC1?


Offline Camox

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Re: CUMMINS ISX15 Engine speed control
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2025, 12:04:19 PM »
I send you a screen capture of Insite parameters for an QSB4.5 Tier5 and screen capture of PCAC service tool for TSC1 configuration.