Author Topic: Signal Type Mismatch for HMIs  (Read 14535 times)

Offline ZanInno

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Signal Type Mismatch for HMIs
« on: February 01, 2022, 07:13:26 AM »
I have a number of signals coming into an HMI / DM430.  I often get messages like the following:

[CHPARGU1] Type mismatch: Signal {Input.Eng0.Eng0_CoolTemp_110} has type {S16} in the drawing and type {S8} in the {Screen Definition} interface

I am deleting / re creating text definitions to try and fix it - The tags are simply received via CAN and displayed on a screen. How are the tags defined in the text definition?  The tags that are coming in are S16.  Not used anywhere else in the program. 


Offline acmall

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Re: Signal Type Mismatch for HMIs
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2022, 09:17:59 AM »
The input type for the screen definition can be changed in the Screen Editor. In the Screen Manager window scroll down to the bottom where you will find Input and Output. Expand Input and select the input you want to change then change the type in the inspector.

If the Screen Manager window is not visible you can show it using the icon circled in the attached image.