Author Topic: Update Center Won't Start - Black Screen with Error "Exception EOleException..."  (Read 18510 times)

Offline mfor

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Hello All,

I recently installed Update Center to install Plus+1, but anytime I try to start it, I get a Command Prompt popup that briefly states, "Exception EOleException in module P1UpdateCenter.exe at 00114BAB. Invalid class.", then disappears.

Are there any fixes for this? Thank you for your time.

Offline Tor

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Hello mfor,

This error seems to appear when a WMI repository file within Windows is corrupted.
This should be a situation where onsite IT personnel should have the knowledge to reobtain this file.
There have been multiple confirmations from customers that their IT department was able to restore/rebuild the WMI repository and everything was working again.

I'm sorry, but this is all information I have.

Have a nice day.
Best regards,