Author Topic: Difficulties opening P1D/P1H files in PLUS+1® GUIDE Service Tool version 6.1.7.  (Read 15786 times)


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In version 6.1.7 there can be difficulties opening P1D/P1H files created previous to version 6.0.
The following work around will resolve these difficulties.

1. Select menu Options/Settings.
2. Select Warnings in the tree and uncheck 'Display a warning message if opening a P1D/P1H with an older file format'. Click OK.

I hope this helps.

Offline oiltronic

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One of the "difficulties" that is fixed by unchecking the warnings option, is an error dialog box that states
INTERNAL: UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION WITH MESSAGE: {IniSection property not specified}
I experienced this when trying to open the older "OX24-10 Diagnostic v3.P1H" with GUIDE Service Tool v6.1.7.1, after I upgraded from 6.1.6.  The problem was fixed by doing what Randy states in the previous post.