Author Topic: PVEA Error signal  (Read 10934 times)

Offline SorenHPedersen

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PVEA Error signal
« on: November 16, 2013, 04:36:32 PM »

I 'am new using the Sauer Danfoss controllers and have just made my first hardware setup using a MC088 and 9 PVEA valves. But for one PVEA my Error signal jumps to about 9V when I connect it to my input "C1p07_DigIn".
If I leave the input not connected the PVEA still works. It's the same if I switch PVEA's
Any idea?


Offline Daniel

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Re: PVEA Error signal
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 04:04:05 PM »
Hi Søren,

Sorry for the late reply.

If you are still facing issues with this, I suggest you send your application (as a P1P) into helpdesk (, together with a detailed description (screenshots are also always very good), then we can have a look at it.

Best regards
PLUS+1® HelpDesk
PLUS+1® Help Desk Team