Author Topic: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities  (Read 19027 times)


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DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« on: August 04, 2015, 08:29:35 PM »
Hello I'm working with dp700 and I've found that there are about 10 seconds since system is power on and application starts (You can see a clock image before the application images becomes visible).
But in my application, I need to send and receive CAN messages just after power on.
There is a way to do that? There are in the kernel issues availables to make that kind of low level program?
Best regards. Diego.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 08:32:30 PM by Diego »

Offline FStelzer

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Re: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 09:54:32 AM »

I've also had the Problem once.

Is it possible to insert some delay for your CAN bus ?

I fixed the Problem with inserting a ON-Delay in my MCU for the CAN Messages. So the MCU begin to send the CAN Messages after a defined time.
You have to do the same thing on the Display with your Tx blocks.

I hope this helps.



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Re: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 01:37:30 PM »
Hello FStelzer. Thanks for suggestions. For what I see, you make the existing system to fit to the new time delay impossed by the DP700, but the startup delay still persists.
I guess these are the kind of loss things for having 7" display with more graphics possibilites and touchscreen.
Also I've found these matters in DP610LX, both are Linux based software. I think this is the real difference in firmware for having such a extended startup delay time.
Best regards. Diego.

Offline FStelzer

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Re: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 02:13:21 PM »
For sure, there is a small Startup delay, but 10 s seems to be high. I have measured the time, and it only takes 4-5 s at the DP700.

As i wrote in the last post, the higher Startup delay appears because you start to send and receive CAN Messages right now after supply voltage is on.
Because of that, there is a bigger delay in showing the first application Screen.


Offline oiltronic

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Re: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 10:11:25 PM »
Hey Diego, did you figure this out?  A 10-second startup delay is not acceptable for us on a new application where we are considering the DP710.  An extra 5 second startup time for CAN message processing doesn't make sense to me.


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Re: DP700 Startup Time & Kernel possibilities
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2015, 12:27:35 PM »
Hello Oiltronic-man. For what I see, you can not have a display in new proyects with those startup seconds for displaying images and those seconds for CAN handshaking. As I said before, Linux based displays (DP610LX-DP700) have these delays. Is no more like DP200 and DP600 series anymore. Something you have to lose when you gain in technology (More pixels, touchscreens ,etc).
But these issues (at least for me are issues), are not inherent to Danfoss displays. I'm already working with others touchscreen of diferent manufacturers (7 and 10") for differents projects and they also have these delays.
My solution: The power of my displays is now connected to +30 and no more to +15. This way when I connect current in system, I earn enough seconds untill connect +15 and the rest sistem power on.
Best regards. Diego.