Author Topic: DP610 DAMAGED???  (Read 12873 times)

Offline pinias

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« on: December 16, 2015, 03:48:28 PM »
Hello world,

I guess I have to check with the Danfoss guys in order to find out what is wrong with a DP610 I have.

but maybe someone had run into the following issue and knows how to fix it.

I have a DP610 that use as testing/lab display so it was wokring ok but one day it just showed a white screen

I connected the service tool just to check if the service tool recognize it and yes the service tool recognize it, I reflashed with different firmware and same issue only a white screen pops up nothing else.

So the service tool sees it as a good device, I guess something internally blow out (which is strange)

I change the connector of the display and I had the polarity backwards I realize of that and get it corrected it did work 2 times then not anymore

if that was the problem, how is it posible to work twice then no more?

I appreciate any feedback

Offline pinias

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Re: DP610 DAMAGED???
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 10:56:34 PM »
just to keep informed about what causes this issue.

Turns out that the screen/display driver got damaged

nothing else to do
