Author Topic: Edit Log's view  (Read 31158 times)

Offline Emerson Zaionc

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Edit Log's view
« on: August 19, 2016, 06:18:48 PM »
Hello guys;
It is possible to edit the appearance of how it will be displayed LOG? I wish that when downloaded to the flash drive was created a table mounted to excel. In the image 'Log Extract' it is the way I'm collecting data. In the image 'Log Correct' is the way I would like to stay, viewing like an excel table. Could someone please tell me if this is possible. Use a DP 720. My display Log's are working perfectly, however the way they are shown in Excel are not pleasing. Any idea to change this?

Thank you all.

Offline Nilla

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 11:59:53 AM »
Hi Emerson Zaionc!

You will not be able to get your values into different columns. Although if you are good with Excel you might be able to write som macro to handle the values in a way. You can get the values seperated in different values but they will still be in the same cell. Take a look at my example below.

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Offline Emerson Zaionc

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2016, 01:37:03 PM »
Got it.
So there is no way the values appear in different cells?
I thank you.

Offline Chris W

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2016, 05:16:59 PM »
The "Text to Columns" feature in the Data tab of Excel should allow you to easily split up delimited data like you are logging.  It would then be presented in rows, rather than columns as you depicted, but there is also a feature in Excel to swap the rows and columns that might do the trick for you!  We are currently working on a project that involves making some updates to the logging interface.  If you (or anyone!) has feature suggestions for the interface, please feel free to share them here or in the "Help us make PLUS+1 even better" topic (

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Offline BRIan

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2016, 11:32:26 PM »
If you set it up like the attached, a single cell in each row of the excel sheet contains one time slice of each logged value. You can then parse the cell so each value goes to a different column

Offline Nilla

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2016, 10:18:15 AM »
"Got it.
So there is no way the values appear in different cells?
I thank you."

No either it's one value per row as you showed in your original picture Log extract or all values in one cell.

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PLUS+1 Helpdesk Team

Offline jashom1

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2016, 03:52:48 AM »
It is possible to have multiple columns in the one log entry like BRIan was saying, just place a comma between the numerical values and text entries.

The default formatting of the application log adds a quote at the start and end of the entry, for a normal .csv file numerical values are not enclosed with quotes, and text is. So keep in mind that the start and end get added a quote, you can add all the needed formatting in between.

it's designed to have text like this added to the application log -> Widget A 300RPM
Where the .csv ends up like "O","9","Widget A 300RPM",

You can add your own formatting to make columns like:
Widget A","%1$,"RPM","Widget B","%2$,"RPM","Widget C",%3$,"RPM

I have done this quite a lot, and I write a header to explain the columns in the start off the application log.

Be careful though, I have found a limit of 19 (from memory) parameters maximum it can log in one line.

Just remember to leave the end quotes off as they added, or if ending with a number place an extra comma and quote so as not to mess up excel on the formatting

Have fun!

Cheers, John.

Offline Nilla

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2016, 01:20:29 PM »

jashom1 you're right! I tried this out a minute ago and after some updating back and forth I managed to get it to work, see pictures below. But you have to watch out if it's a comma or semicolon to add in between, I think it is depending on your Excel settings (US normally uses comma when EU uses semicolon).

The maximum number of parameters it can log in one line is 20 not 19.

Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team

Offline Emerson Zaionc

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Re: Edit Log's view
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2016, 03:29:22 PM »
I'll try to do here, however will exceed 19.